Performance analysis

Slow Cell Analysis

Slowest Single Cycle Cell: Squarer Cell
Approximate Rise Time: 40 ns
Approximate Fall Time: 40 ns
In order to determine the slowest cell, we examined irsim plots to locate the slowest components. The adder and squarer were identified as the slowest by far, as they were the only ones which required increasing the standard irsim cycle time. Crystal Analysis of these components:
Squarer Crystal Results
Adder Crytsal Results
showed the squarer to be the slower of the two, so additional spice testing was run on the squarer. Spice Output File (postscript) This led to the data for Rise and Fall time for the circuit Since all other circuit elements had a trivial response time compared to these two cells, we calculated approximately 1/80ns or a 12.5MHz maximum frequency.
Last modified: Sun Dec 13 02:50:45 CST 1998