Rice University ECE Department

→ Link to Data Visualization Mini-Course 2010

Want to learn how to typeset your academic papers?

Courtesy Rice ECE, register for a mini-course on:

McMurtry Auditorium, Duncan Hall - ROOM CHANGE

October 13, 10am - 4pm (last day of fall recess)

Instructor: Don Johnson (ECE)

This 1 day mini-course will briefly cover how to get started using LaTeX, the basic LaTeX style templates used to prepare a paper, and advanced details and formatting. It will be a hands-on workshop, so please bring your laptops. (Windows, Mac, Linux are all welcome)

**Course Details from Don Johnson available here**

First year grad students encouraged. All undergrads, grad students, postdocs, faculty welcome.

Limited seating. Please register by October 2.

Enabled by Rice ECE.
For questions, contact msheikh@rice.edu

Registration is closed.

Last modified: September 30, 2009