Instruction Set

Briefly, we chose the accumlator style architecture in order to simplify our instruction set. With only a four-bit CPU, and a four-bit opcode in our implementation, adding any more registers would be superfluous and difficult to design and build.

Instruction Set

Our instruction set is as follows:

Instruction Opcode Operands Function
ZERO 0000 n/a clears accumulator to 0
n/a 0001 n/a n/a
CIRC 0010 n/a circulates acc.
NOT 0011 n/a inverts acc
ANDI 0100 immediate acc = acc & immediate
ORI 0101 immediate acc = acc | immediate
ADDI 0110 immediate acc = acc + immediate
LDI 0111 immediate acc <- immediate
BEZ 1000 address PC <- address if acc = 0
BGZ 1001 address PC <- address if acc > 0
LD 1010 address memory(address) -> acc
ST 1011 address acc -> memory(address)
AND 1100 address acc = acc & memory(address)
OR 1101 address acc = acc | memory(address)
ADD 1110 address acc = acc + memory(address)
SUB 1111 address acc = acc - memory(address)

General Comments on Instruction Set

With our four-bit machine, we chose four-bit opcodes with either zero, four, or eight-bit operands. The opcodes are chosen such that ALU operations are distinguished from other operations by having the high bit of the opcode set, and within the two major divisions, other opcodes are "grouped" and have close (in the hamming sense) bit representations. In the final version of the instruction set, immediates are four bits and addresses are eight bits. That means that accumulator-memory ALU operations have 12-bit instructions (opcode plus address), as do load and store from and to memory as well as branches; register-immediate ALU operations and load-immediate operations have 8-bit instructions (opcode plus data), and instructions with no operands are four bits. For the most part, the machine spends two cycles per four bits of data read (including opcode), which means that a no-operand instruction takes two cycle (three in practice, since we have to execute the instruction without doing useful data-bus transfers); operations with immediate data take four cycles; and operations with data from memory addresses take six cycles (seven for ALU operations from memory).
Last modified 19 December 1996.