ELEC 301 - Signals and Systems

This course deals with signals, systems, and transforms, from their theoretical mathematical foundations to practical implementation in circuits and computer algorithms. Fundamentally important, ELEC 301 acts as a bridge between the introductory ELEC 241/2 and more advanced courses such as ELEC 302, 430, 431, 437, 539, etc.

At the conclusion of ELEC 301, you should have a deep understanding of the mathematics and practical issues of

Richard Baraniuk
DH 2028, 713.348.5132, email: richb at rice.edu
Office Hours: TBA

Teaching Fellow
Michael Wakin
DH 2119, 713.348.2285, wakin@rice.edu
Office Hours: TBA

Q/A Session Leaders:
Kileen Cheng, kileen@rice.edu
Bobak Nazer, bobak@rice.edu
Jyoti Uppuluri, juppu@rice.edu
Nils Bagge, nilz@rice.edu
Chad Cook, ccook@rice.edu

Sreenivas Kothandaraman, sreenik@rice.edu
Roy Ha, rha@rice.edu
Unoma Ndili, unondili@rice.edu
Shriram Sarvotham, shri@rice.edu

Times and Places
Lectures with RGB: MWF 11-11:50am, Duncan Hall 1042
Q/A Sessions: MW 7:00pm, Keck Hall 101

ELEC 241/2 - Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
CAAM 335 - Matrix Analysis
MATH 211 - Ordinary Differential Equations and Linear Algebra (optional)

B. P. Lathi, Signal Processing and Linear Systems, Berkeley Cambridge Press, ISBN 0-941413-35-7, 1998

Recommended Further Reading (more books on reserve in the library)
S. Haykin and B. Van Veen, Signals and Systems, Wiley, 1999
A. Oppenheim and A. Willsky, Signals and Systems, Prentice-Hall, 2000
G. Strang, Introduction to Linear Algebra, Wellesley-Cambridge Press, 1993
And for the ambitious and mathematically inclined, the first five chapters of:
N. Young, An Introduction to Hilbert Space, Cambridge Mathematical Textbooks, 1988

There is a course web page at http://www.dsp.rice.edu/courses/elec301/.
There is also a newsgroup rice.owlnews.elec301 on which general course announcements (such as class cancellations, homework extensions, etc.) will be posted. The newsgroup will also be read regularly by the instructor and graders, so feel free to post your questions (or answer other peoples questions).

20% - Test 1
20% - Test 2
20% - Test 3 ("Final")
20% - Homework
15% - Gang Project
5% - Notebook and classroom participation

ALL assignments must be completed, or you will receive an incomplete.

Study Groups

Homework Policy
Homework will be posted on the class web page each week, and is due at 5:00pm on the due date (usually Thursday). After the due date, but before solutions are handed out, homework can be turned in for 50% credit. After solutions are handed out, 0% credit will be issued. However, all assignments must be turned in, or an incomplete grade will be assigned. You are encouraged to work in groups on homework problems, as long as you ultimately formulate your own solution, but homework will be graded on an individual basis, i.e. each student turns in their own set of solutions. You are expected to understand any solution you turn in.

Homework, tests, and solutions from previous offerings of this course are off limits, under the honor code.

Towards the end of the semester, each study group will complete a project applying the concepts they have learned in the class. The groups will present their projects in a "poster session" (think middle school science fair) open to the public.

Remember the big picture.
Read the book.
Prepare your own summaries from texts and notes.
Work in groups for homework and studying, and explain the main concepts to each other.
Know and cater to your learning style.
This course is not about solving specific problems but about developing a problem solving process that you can apply to general problems.

Students with disabilities
Any student with a documented disability needing academic adjustments or accommodations is requested to speak with me during the first two weeks of class. All discussions will remain confidential. Students with disabilities should also contact Disabled Student Services in the Ley Student Center.


I. Introduction
Motivation: why signal processing is important.
Mathematical preliminaries

II. Signals and Systems: A First Look
Types of signals (continuous-time, discrete, analog, ...)
Important signal operations
Special signals
Linear time-invariant (LTI) systems

III. Continuous-time systems in the Time Domain
Linear differential equations
Impulse response and the convolution integral
System stability

IV. Fourier Series and Orthogonal Expansions
Signals as vectors
Systems as linear operators
Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions
Fourier series
Orthogonal basis expansions
Haar Transform

V. The Fourier Transform

VI. The Laplace Transform and System Design

Other Topics (as time permits)
z-transform and digital filtering
Sampling theory