
Time to factor random coefficient polynomials on a 2.6 MHz Pentium with 1 GB RAM, 8/2003

Polynomial Degree Time using roots() Time using lroots()
50 0.004 0.04
100 0.020 0.06
200 0.140 0.10
500 3.110 0.23
1,000 24.750 0.50
2,000 250.740 1.20
5,000 13,891.000 6.34
6,000 "Out of memory" 7.49
10,000 "Out of memory" 21.45
100,000 "Out of memory" 1,769.00
150,000 "Out of memory" 4,822.00
250,000 "Out of memory" 9,875.00
500,000 "Out of memory" 45,574.00
1,000,000 "Out of memory" 353,848.00

Time required by the three stages of the Lindsey-Fox algorithm for a 2,080,000 degree random coefficient polynomial on a 3 GHz Pentium with 4 GB RAM, 1/6/2006

Operation Time in seconds Time in days Percent of total run time
Grid search 16,692 0.2 3.2%
Polish 295,388 3.4 58.0%
Unfactor & Deflate 196,675 2.3 38.8%