Free software
Cool Websites
(some links may have moved - let me know if they do not work)
Neuroscience for Kids
Berndt Fritzke's demo for neural maps
ARTMAPs, at Gail Carpenter's web site
Hopfield net (Brain Wave tutorial)
A Hopfield net (applet)
An Ising model (John Hopkins U)
Ising model, with JAVA code (Clark U)
Traveling Salesman Problem (algorithms, Stony Brook)
Matlab code for Deep Boltzmann Machine, Hinton and Salakhutidnov, Science paper 2006
vendor of the best ANN simulation software.
A flood of Literature
for the curious
IEEE Computational Intelligence Society
(was IEEE Neural Network Society until summer, 2004)
Useful Tutorials
Andrew Moore, pdfs
The PDP Interactive Primer
to J. McClelland and D. Rumelhart, Parallel Distributed Processing:
Explorations in the Microstructure of Cognition (1986).
Geoffrey Hinton on Boltzmann Machiness