Assignments, Grading Policies and Logistic Requirements for STAT 615

Covid-19 update: As per Provost’s announcement on Aug 19, 2021, remote instruction via Zoom will be in effect (at least) until Sep 3. The first class will be on Thu, Aug 26. At this point no change is necessary in the grading policy because of the remote instruction for the first two weeks. Should remote instruction be extended the "Class participation" component may be revised. Stay tuned.

Grades will be made up of the following components, with approximate weights as shown:

35% - Homework assignments
10% - Two Quizzes
25% - Exam 1
25% - Exam 2
5% - Class participation

Homework assignments
There will be approximately one assignment per week, posted in Canvas. The scheduling of assignments and their due dates will also be shown in the Course Schedule in a timely manner. You are encouraged to work in groups and get help from anyone (including help in the optional review / advising sessions) but you will turn in your own solution which you are expected to understand. [As explained in the syllabus we are likely to form homework groups, in which case “your own solution” here means your group solution. However, you as an individual will be expected to thoroughly understand any solution your group produces.] If the solution is the result of group work, each group member will write the names of the collaborators on their solution. Solutions from previous years are off-limit. Partial grading may be applied (i.e., grading a randomly selected subset of the homework problems) depending on the number of students and grading support for the course.

Electronically generated documents are preferred, but hand-written solutions are also acceptable. In either case, you are responsible for neat, well-organized, legible home work, as well as for the correctness and health of the files you upload. If we can't read it we won't grade it. I highly recommend that you check what you uploaded to Canvas (i.e., open it after you uploaded) so you can correct any mistakes before the deadline. A note on scanning hand-written pages: Please check the quality of the scanned document (no text is cut off, sharpness, brightness ...). Use a good-quality scanner rather than a camera. A poorly readable document gives a hard time for the graders, or they may not be able to read it at all.

A summary of required file formats, file names, and other requirements are posted here in the "Logistic Details" file for your convenience. Please be sure to thoroughly read and follow them.

Late homework policy
Homework is due before the beginning of class on the due date, at the time specified in the CANVAS posting. You will submit solutions electronically through CANVAS. We intend to continue paperless grading that we have introduced for this class. Should any circumstance prevent electronic submission to CANVAS at any time, please contact me before it is due, and copy TA Nam Nguyen. We will work with you to solve the problem. However, please let me and the TA(s) know immediately (by phone if necessary) of any problem accessing CANVAS. After the due date, but before the due date of late homework (the "accept until" date in CANVAS), homework can be turned in for 50% credit. After the late due date submissions will not be allowed in CANVAS, and you will receive 0% credit. Please do not email me or the TA(s) any assignment unless you contacted us and we instructed you to do so. We will ignore any unsolicited emailed assignment.

Quiz 1 and Quiz 2: approx. 40 - 45 min, closed notes/books/phones/computers, planned as electronic “in-class” quizzes. (Computers may be used only for writing and submitting the quiz answers.) The exact implementation (multiple-choice form, questions requiring short typed answers, or combination) will be announced well ahead of time.
Two midterm exams, Exam 1 and Exam 2: The Exams will be open book and open notes but using restricted time, and other resources (such as internet). I will require you to give the honor pledge. The exact requirements and details will be given with the exams. Test solutions from previous years are strictly off-limit.
The exact dates of these tests will be posted in the Course Schedule as well as announced in class approximately 2 weeks ahead of time. The anticipated approximate dates are September 21 or 23 (Quiz 1), October 14 (Exam 1), November 18 (Quiz 2), and December 3 (Exam 2).

Missed assignments
If you must miss (or be late with) a homework, or a test due to an extraordinary circumstance please notify me and the TA(s) as much ahead of time as possible, and make arrangements with me for completing the missed assignment. If, in extreme emergency, you are unable to provide advance notice, please let us know as soon as possible afterwards, and I will work with you on a solution accordingly. Please do not ask the TA(s) for extensions, make-up arrangements, and other exceptions. Address all such requests directly to me (but copy the TA(s)).

Other requirements
In addition to file formats and file name requirements, the file STAT615-LogisticsDetails.pdf (our STAT 615 "Logistic Details" aka "rules" file) contains a summary of other logistic requirements such as the procedure that you must follow for disputing / appealing grade points; and email communication with me and TA(s) or graders. I will expect you to communicate with me through properly titled emails (see the "rules"). I will not be regularly monitoring comments and messages deposited in Canvas. Please be sure to thoroughly read the "rules" and follow them.

Class attendance and absence policy
Students are strongly advised to attend all classes. 5% of the grade is composed of participation and performance in class. Students who must miss a class or assignment due to unavoidable circumstances should consult with the instructor as much in advance as possible so that alternative arrangements may be made. I will expect students to be punctual and to refrain from eating or other distractions during class.

Expectations regarding honor code, collaboration, and citation
In preparing homeworks, students are encouraged to work in groups and consult freely any material and anyone (including help in the optional review / advising sessions). However, each individual will write and turn in his or her own solution (or group solution as applicable), which they are expected to understand. If the solution is the result of group work, each group member will write the names of the collaborators on their solution. For tests students will be required to give the Rice Honor Pledge and adhere to the Rice Honor Code. Solutions from previous years are off-limit. In all work, students are expected to be scrupulous about proper citation of sources (where applicable), as required both as a matter of integrity and formally as a part of the Rice Honor Code.

Use of machines during class and class etiquette
Cell phones must be turned off during class unless I request you to use them for class purposes. If you anticipate the need to take an urgent call, please set your phone to vibration and take the call outside the room. Laptops or other small devices may be used only for specific class purposes such as taking notes. If you have an urgent need to be online for other purposes during class time, feel free to do so . . . but outside the classroom. If Covid-19 should force us to revert to Zoom, please have live camera presence in class as much as you feel comfortable with, or at least a static picture of you, and be available for discussion.