ELEC 332

What to Turn in

Summarize the differences between the SPI protocol used in this Exercise to interface the radio chip and the I2C protocol used in Exercise 3 to interface the DAC chip.

Based on the information in the data sheet(s) give a brief summary of what the TRC101/Si4420/MRF49XA really does. Don't just paraphrase the bullet points from the first page of the data sheet, but describe what's going on inside the chip and how we can exercise control over it.

Work in the Lab
Nothing new or unusual should happen during this week's In the Lab session. If it does, be sure to mention it. The Design Challenge should provide more noteworthy experiences. Talk about the lab related aspects of those here, saving the design related ones for the later section. There shouldn't be enough quantitative data this week to warrant a separate section, so anything that looks like a result can go here.
Design Discussion
Discuss the design of the radio modules used in this Exercise. Discuss both the hardware and software aspects of the design.
Component Challenge
As mentioned in the Background section, there are lots of single chip radio systems available. Find one or two others of similar capability and, without spending too much effort in exploring them in minute detail, describe their differences from our chosen chip. Which chip is best? Why?
Design Challenge
Describe the thinking behind your design and the work you did to realize it. Include listings of your programs.
These are given in the previous section.