ELEC 332

What to Turn in

Summarize the functions and capabilities of the chips used in this week's circuits.
Work in the Lab
As the instructions become less detailed, your writeup should say more about how you achieved the goals which were set out. Since we're finally doing something with specific application possibilities rather than just building some tools, discuss your work in the lab in this context.
Results from the Lab
Include the waveforms and voltages that you measured in both driver circuits.
Design Discussion
Discuss how the unipolar motor driver circuit works. Describe the purpose of each component or group of components. Explain the waveforms and voltages you measured in the lab.
Design Challenge
Describe the thinking behind your design and the work you did to realize it.
Document your Design
Include copies of your schematic and layout, and a photograph of your completed board. This material may be incorporated into previous sections or gathered together into a separate section.