ELEC 332

What to Turn in

Work in the Lab
In this section, talk about the process of configuring equipment, collecting data, overcoming difficulties, and achieving desired results. As usual, mention any problems that you encountered and describe how you overcame them.
Results from the Lab
In this section you should present and summarize the data which you have collected and discuss what it means. Discuss the measurements that you made and the waveforms you observed in the context of characterizing the various AM receivers being studied. As usual, include single point, tabular, and graphic data as appropriate.
Design Discussion
Discuss the design of each module used in this Exercise. Describe the purpose of each component or group of components.
Design Challenge
Describe the thinking behind your design and the work you did to realize it. Include a listing of your program. Compare the performance of your design with that of the coherent receiver using the analog VCO.